Why are both Ambari Metrics and Zookeeper needed together in a cluster?

Why are both Ambari Metrics and Zookeeper needed together in a cluster?
Ambari Metrics manage the cluster while Zookeeper is required for communication
between services
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Ambari Metrics is responsible for providing the GUI while Zookeeper manages the cluster
Ambari Metrics manages resources while Zookeeper manages services
Ambari Metrics manages services while Zookeeper manages nodes

A company would like to store data and process them using data analytics. The data is
mostly semi-structured and unstructured so relational databases are insufficient. Which
service in the Hadoop ecosystem will help them store the data and process it?

A company would like to store data and process them using data analytics. The data is
mostly semi-structured and unstructured so relational databases are insufficient. Which
service in the Hadoop ecosystem will help them store the data and process it?
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Which of these is true about Spark’s execution modes?

Which of these is true about Spark’s execution modes?
In cluster mode, the spark driver runs inside the Application Master
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In client mode, the client application can be shut down after giving the command
In cluster mode, the spark driver runs inside the client process
In client mode, the Application Master does the entire processing

Which of these is true about Spark RDDs?

Which of these is true about Spark RDDs?
RDDs will only be executed once a transformation is applied to it
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Data cannot be processed in parallel in RDDs
The dataset can be partitioned across multiple nodes for processing and storage
In case of data failure, data cannot be recreated from a known state and the process has
to start all over again
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