In our posts collection, which command can be used to find all the posts whose author names begin lie between “A” and “C” in dictionary order?

In our posts collection, which command can be used to find all the posts whose author names begin lie between “A” and “C” in dictionary order?
db.posts.find( { post_author : { $gte : “A” , $lte : “C” } } );
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db.posts.find( { post_author : { $gte : “C” , $lte : “A” } } );
db.posts.find( { post_author : { $gt : “A” , $lt : “C” } } );
This type of search is not supported by MongoDB. $lt and $gt operators are applicable only for numeric values.

In a sharded replica set environment, w defines the level and kind of write concern. Which of the following values of w specifies to return success only after a majority of voting members have acknowledged?

In a sharded replica set environment, w defines the level and kind of write concern. Which of the following values of w specifies to return success only after a majority of voting members have acknowledged?
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Which option should be used with findAndModify() command to return the modified document instead of the pre-modification document?

Which option should be used with findAndModify() command to return the modified document instead of the pre-modification document?
Set {new : true}
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findAndModify by default returns the pre-modification document
Use the POST version of findAndModify called findAndModifyPost
None of the options are correct
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