Which of the following are required to deepen democracy?

Which of the following are required to deepen democracy?
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A system of representation, with well functioning political parties and interest associations
An electoral system that guarantees free and fair elections as well as universal suffrage
A system of checks and balances based on the separation of powers with independent judicial and legislative branches. And a vibrant civil society as well as a free and independent media

Who were Frank B. Kellogg and Aristide Briand?

Who were Frank B. Kellogg and Aristide Briand?
Authors of an international agreement that called for the renunciation of aggressive war
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Main protagonist calling for a clause to be included in the Geneva Protocol which renounced secret treaties
Authors of a clause in the Lausanne Conference calling for a moratorium on German war reparation payments
Authors of a peace treaty between Bolivia and Paraguay over the Chaco region
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